


This addon extends the Bjorn Holm Map to a few useful and decorative elements.

What is included?
Two radio towers
A new drop-off site for the standard fruits
Extensive signage
Mixing station and beet Schnitzler
Level indicators

Why this addon and no map?
When you have installed this addon (single in the modfolder) you have to start any new game.
Just keep playing on the default Bjorn Holm map. The addon automatically places objects in the default Maps.

This is a BETA-version, which means it can still be errors or other ethalten. Please to any comments.
Unfortunately I did not get installed the scripts for the beet Schnitzler and the mixing station.
It would be nice if a modder who has experience with such things would contact me

Have fun with the mod

Creative Commons License
Bjorn Holm Addon of LKXstudios is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License . This does not apply to the works used. Whose rights are with the Urmoddern.

Maruh – Mischstation
Funky. – Rübenschneider
Nick98.1 – Schilder
Raptor5 – RadioTower
El_Cid – Lageranzeigen
El_Cid – Zirkuswagen
Für Nicht- oder Falschnennungen möchte ich mich entschuldigen. Bitte melden sie sich bei mir in Modhoster per PN.

Stand: 1.3.2015

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