
Tunxdorf V 2.1 FS 15

Tunxdorf V 2.1 FS 15

Version 2.1
Added MixFeeder Fixed goldcoins not saving

Welcome to the Tunxdorf Modcontest 2015 map V2
This map is based on the region of Tunxdorf near papenburg in germany.

-39 fields with a total of 250Ha
-3 farms
-beef and pig fatning
-An agricultural contractor location
-Big BGA
-Compost master
-Huge forrest area
-Nice small village of tunxdorf
-beautiful landscape with lots of details
-lots of places to sell your goods
-more terrain angles to give the fields a more realistic look
-fillable Liquid manure staorage basin’s
-Map is soilmod ready (remove GMK mod from modmap when useing soilmod)
-Map is choppedstraw ready

Change-log V2
-Clip-distances tweaked
-New grass windrow texture
-All log error’s fixed
-Fixed bug with luzerne (alfalfa) not showing in map menu
-Minor cosmetic issues fixed
-Added new version of liquid manure storage ( now works with all liquid manure tanks)
-New light’s in buildings on farm’s (can be turned on manually)
-Removed lights from street-lanterns to improve performance
-Fixed field ownership bug
-New water-plane (no more white water at night)
-Added clip-distance control to sheds
-Added liquid manure storage basin at Dairy farm
-Added some decoration to several farm’s
-New Field road texture
-New straw/grass/mixed ration storage
-Made map user guide PDF

Everything you need is in the modpack

also in the modpack


Mod pack also contains a map user guide PDF that shows you all the locations in detail.
PDF is in english only sorry for that.

map by Mythic I would special like to give thanks and credit to all the people who made this map possible. Fatian Mailman Nick98.1 Vertex design Patii Marhu Farmer_Andy CebuljCek Dutch Agricultural Modelling Ni modding Eifok Team Freelance Modding Crew Webalizer_ls Geneborg Steffen30muc Seba j Luxfarm Niggels El Cid Fendtfan1 Team LTW Spartan_6 Andrei Valentin Jakob Tischler Upsidedown Vanillaice83 Tackleberry Petorious Giants Xentro De verspeelten Jungs Blacky_BPG Bluebaby210 Decker_MMIV

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One thought on “Tunxdorf V 2.1 FS 15”

  1. Hello,
    I like your map’s why I allow myself to let you know this
    In cows and calves you have three silos that are in correspondence with sheep and pigs, the problem is that 2 work (straw and grass) but not the 3 rd so you may see reason,

    but I thank you d advance

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