Placeable Objects

UPK Drive-Through Hall Mod V 1.0

UPK Drive-Through Hall Mod V 1.0

Here I present you my 2nd placeable Hall. It can also be very easily installed by GE.
Those who need help may write me happy.
It has 25m width and 70m in length and about the gates are wide and high enough for all vehicles
(Even the wide Potatoseeder or Havester are possible).
It has a Playerspawntrigger works via button < Furthermore, I have installed the Parktrigger that means the vehicles in the hall, as long as they stand in the hall, are no longer called by Tab. The gates open automatically on the purchase and can be closed or opened via button R (UPK-Standart-key assignment for the activator) Due to the size of the hall, I recommend the place in GE to smooth and then to place only the hall in the game. I wish you much fun with the Hall and Parking Happy;) Your EngeldesHasses You need for this Mod this Kit:

EngeldesHasses Mor2000

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